
Why Study 电英格ineering at Montana Tech?

您将从具有行业经验和联系的教师那里学习,他们对您的成功充满热情. 几乎所有的课程都将包括由拥有该领域最高学位的注册专业工程师教授的实验部分.

毕业后,你就可以开始你的电气工程职业生涯,或者继续从事电子工程方面的工作 master’s 学位 in electrical engineering.

Focus on Real-Life Problems


例如,菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的学生帮助开发了一个改变游戏规则的智能电网系统,赢得了R奖&D 100 Award—an “Oscar of Invention.这一荣誉使菲律宾十大彩票平台学院跻身于麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学等一流研究机构之列.

World-Class 电英格ineering Labs

Learn to make electric power safer, more dependable, 在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学自然资源研究中心(NRRC)的电力系统实验室中,.

多亏了施韦策工程实验室——蒙大拿州理工学院毕业生的顶级雇主——的支持,NRRC拥有了致力于保护的最先进的实验室, energy conversion, power plant systems, 和培训.

电英格ineering Internships

Gain hands-on experience with power, 矿业, 石油, or 咨询 companies in Montana, across the country, or around the world. 大多数菲律宾十大彩票平台学院电气工程专业的学生在大二和大三的暑假都有实习机会.

Ideal Location for Study and More

Live and learn in 孤峰, an outdoor paradise. Six mountain ranges surround campus, 附近有两个国家公园和两条河流等着周末娱乐.

Or join our student chapter of IEEE, 世界领先的技术进步专业协会, or the NASA Robotic Mining Competition Club, 每年在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心举行的比赛.



Student/教师 Ratio


Emphasis on career outcomes

75% Placement Rate

Remaining 25% pursue graduate school

The Obvious Choice

What Is 电英格ineering?

Electricity efficiently transports energy and information. 电气工程师发现如何利用电力造福世界各地的人们和社区.

电气工程师设计、开发、测试和监督电气设备的制造. Their work is incredibly important. It powers homes and businesses, delivers information, makes food more available, and improves medical care and quality of life.

What Kinds of Jobs Do 电英格ineers Get?

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院电气工程专业的毕业生在矿产行业工作, renewable energy, 半导体, 微处理器, 控制, 咨询, 和更多的.

他们的雇主包括爱达荷电力公司、电气顾问公司. (ECI)、西北能源、电力工程师和施韦策工程实验室(SEL). 一些校友继续在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院或其他机构读研究生.

$70K Starting Salary

Average for electrical engineering grads


In demand for electrical engineers projected through 2028

$100K+ Median Salary

For all working electrical engineers in 2020

My time in electrical engineering was fantastic. 该部门与行业领导者的密切联系为我和我的同学打开了很棒的实习和工作的大门. 在我们毕业的时候,我们都至少有一份工作.

帕特里克象牙海岸 B.S. 电英格ineering, 2018 M.S. 电英格ineering, 2019

Explore Classes in 电英格ineering

As an electrical engineering student, you’ll study topics like electrical grid stability, grid monitoring, power protection, and instrumentation and 控制. 你还将在科学、数学、商业和经济学方面打下基础.

你可以选择侧重于保护电网免受自然或人为威胁的课程, 连接电力供应和使用的能量转换系统, or telecommunications systems. 在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的学术目录中查看更多课程细节.

Learn More About 电英格ineering at Montana Tech
Electrical Department

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, 和更多的.

矿山 & 工程

Explore other programs in engineering and related fields.

Catalog Details


Related 项目
Two people using a machine in a nano-technology lab
Mechanical 工程

学习设计和建造从小型设备到航天器的机器,并为需求做好准备, 高薪职业.

Student programming in a computer lab
Computer Science

Build in-demand expertise in computing concepts, 硬件, 软件, 网络, and artificial intelligence.

Wires plugged into an electrical machine
电英格., M.S.

Go further with advanced study of energy and power, automation and 控制, signal processing, and instrumentation.

Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Department Head and Associate Professor