有两种选择可供攻读生物科学学位-细胞 & Molecular Track, and the Organismal Track. While unique in their advanced coursework, 它们都有共同的生物和普通科学基础.



  • Wildlife biology
  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Plant Ecology
  • Animal Ecology
  • Restoration Ecology
  • Natural resource management

Catalog Info for the Organismal & Ecological Studies Track

Biological Sciences, Cellular/Molecular Track, B.S.


  • Molecular biology
  • Microbiology
  • Pharmacy
  • Medical school
  • Dental school
  • Physician’s assistant programs
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy.

Catalog Info for the Cellular/Molecular Track

Exercise and Health Science, B.S.



The Biology - B.A.S. 学位课程主要是为在两年制大学获得应用科学副学士学位并希望进入学士学位课程的学生设计的. If, while completing an A.A.S. degree, 学生完成蒙大拿州理工B所要求的任何本科水平或铰接技术水平课程.A.S. 学位课程,这些学分,加上整体转换学分,将适用于B.A.S. degree requirements. A maximum of 60 credits of course work from the A.A.S. degree can be applied to the B.A.S. degree requirements. 学生应该看到他们的顾问选择额外的课程,以完成他们的学位. (至少39学分需要3000- 4999级的课程, 高年级(以成功满足毕业要求). 获得学士学位至少需要120个学分.

Catalog Info for the B.A.S. Degree

Biology Minor

辅修生物科学至少需要21个学分. 所有学生都必须参加一套入门课程(8学分),以提供标准的知识基础,并完成进入高级课程所需的先决条件. Students then choose 13 additional credits; at least 7 credits must be upper division (300-400). 辅修课程的设计是灵活的,以满足不同学生的兴趣. 生物化学方向的化学专业和环境工程专业的学生应该能够通过在本专业必修课程之外额外选修2-3门课程来满足辅修要求.

Catalog Info for the Biology Minor

Ecological Restoration Options

Biological Science - Montana Tech, B.S. 蒙大拿州西部大学生物中学教育证书


  • The requirements for the B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from Montana Tech
  • 蒙大拿州理工学院的,因此是MUS通识教育的核心要求.
  • Please refer to Biological Sciences for further information pertaining to that program.
  • Advisor: Dr. Amy Kuenzi 406-496-4793

被蒙大拿州西部大学录取并成功完成教师教育课程的学生, after successfully completing the 5th year, as outlined below, will be in a position to receive: