Student workers at Native-Plant Garden
Located locally here in 孤峰, Montana
Increasing native plant diversity

2013年1月, Governor Schweitzer approved the restoration plan for 孤峰 Area One that was developed by a local citizen council, the 孤峰 Natural Resource Damage Restoration Council. The restoration plan allocated $1,000,000 in natural resource damage settlement funds to Montana Tech over the next eight years to develop sustainable plant communities on the caps of the 孤峰 Hill over the next eight years. Inspiration for the project came out of federal and state regulations to restore disturbed landscapes with native plants.


The goal of this project is to increase native plant diversity to include 75% forbs, 这些都是野花, to sustainable "native plant dispersal islands" on the 孤峰 Hill.




Want to make a difference?

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Assistant Professor/Director of Restoration
CBB 218