菲律宾十大彩票平台学院, 财政援助办事处 Statement of Ethical Principles provides that the primary goal of the institutional financial aid professional is to help students achieve their educational goals through financial support and resources. 金融援助 Professionals are required to exemplify the highest level of ethical behavior and demonstrate the highest level of professionalism. To this end, this Statement provides that the financial aid professional shall:


  • Remain aware of the issues affecting students and continually advocate for their interest at the institutional, 州一级和联邦一级.
  • 支持联邦, 国家和机构努力鼓励学生, 早在小学的时候, 渴望并计划高中以后的教育.
  • 尽全力帮助有经济需要的学生.


  • Commit to the highest level of ethical behavior and refrain from conflict of interest or the perception thereof.
  • 诚实、公正地对待他人, abiding by our commitments and always acting in a manner that merits the trust and confidence others have placed in us.
  • 尊重学生的尊严,保护学生的隐私, and ensure the confidentiality of student records and personal circumstances.
  • 促进思想和意见的自由表达, 培养对行业内不同观点的尊重.
  • 保持最高的专业水平, reflecting a commitment to the goals of the National Association of Student 金融援助 Administrators, the Rocky Mountain Association of Student 金融援助 Administrators and the Montana Association of Student 金融援助 Administrators.


  • Be committed to removing financial barriers for those who wish to pursue postsecondary learning and support each student admitted to our institution.
  • 免费协助学生申请助学金.
  • Provide services and apply principles that do not discriminate on the basis of race, 性别, 种族, 性取向, 宗教, 残疾, 年龄或经济状况.
  • Understand the need for financial education and commit to educate students and families on how to responsibly mange expenses and debt.


  • 遵守所有适用的联邦法律法规, 国家和机构财政援助计划.
  • Actively participate in ongoing professional development and continuing education programs to ensure ample understanding of statues, 管理财政援助计划的法规和最佳做法.
  • Encourage colleagues to participate in the financial aid professional associations available to them at the state, regional or national level and offer assistance to other aid professionals as needed.


  • Provide our students and parents with the information they need to make good decisions about attending and paying for college.
  • Educate students and families through quality information that is consumer-tested when possible. This includes (but is not limited to) transparency and full disclosure on 奖 notices.
  • Ensure equity by applying all need analysis formulas consistently across the institution’s full population of student financial aid applicants.
  • Inform students and parents of any changes in financial aid programs that could affect their student aid eligibility.


  • Ensure that student and parent private information provided to the financial aid office by financial aid applicants is protected in accordance with all state and federal statues and regulations, 包括FERPA和高等教育法, 第483(a)(3)(E) (20 U.S.C 1090).
  • Protect the information on the FAFSA from inappropriate use by ensuring that this information is only used for the application, 奖, and administration of aid 奖ed under Title IV of Higher Education Act, 国家援助, 或由符合条件的院校资助.


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