Resources are Available to Assist in Your Scholarship Search

Montana Tech has provided links to the following websites that offer scholarships or other resources available to students.  No new individual scholarships will be listed unless they have a relationship with Montana Tech and our students received scholarships from the donor for multiple years. 


  • 大学资源网 – Free database with over $800 million in scholarship resources.
  • 护理奖学金 护理奖学金资料库
  • 职业阶梯奖学金 – 奖学金 for graduating high school seniors, 母亲重返校园, 还有军人及其配偶.  截止日期不同.
  • 奖学金 for Students with Disabilities – this site lists multiple scholarships that are available for students with disabilities.  截止日期不同.
  • Student奖学金.org – This website is an excellent free resource for students looking for assistance in paying for their education.  截止日期不同.
  • Scholly - This website is a great resource to earn scholarship money.

The Federal Trade Commission has published consumer information on 奖学金和经济援助骗局.  Please make yourself aware of this information.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.
