Petroleum 工程 Industrial Advisory Board members
The Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) is comprised of representatives who are engaged in oil and gas industry and who are Montana Tech alumni or those that have a vested interest in the Petroleum program and Graduates. The board advises the department in curriculum development, 学生培训, 社区外展, collaborative opportunities and information transfer. 作为合作伙伴, the IAB and the Petroleum 工程 Department work together continuously to improve the department's relevance and effectiveness.

Montana Tech - Petroleum 行业咨询委员会 "Sharing Experience"

Kyle Haustveit  (2013) – Devon Energy, Andy McCrea (1982 & 现任总裁)- Aera Energy, Trevor Jones (2002) – Leucrotta Exploration, Keith Simard (2006) – CBW 工程, 拉斯·阿特金斯(1984 & 荣誉成员), Justin Kegel (2007) – Ballard Petroleum, Kelli Harrington  (2002) – Tervita, Tom Hohn (1974) – Hohn 工程, 布兰登·福斯特(1999)——K&M Technology, Adam Gollofon  (2000 & Current Vice President), Jeff Pitura (1989 & 荣誉成员) – Endurance Technologies


The Long Term Vision of the Montana Tech Petroleum 行业咨询委员会 (IAB) is to give direction to the Montana Tech Petroleum Department (MTPD).


The Petroleum 工程 行业咨询委员会 supports programs and initiatives to raise funds for the Petroleum 工程 Department.